Kamis, 21 Maret 2013

Lepel Victoria Copper Vintage Cream Balcony Bra 113700 34F UK/90G FR

 Lepel Victoria Copper Vintage Cream Balcony Bra 113700 34F UK/90G FR
Lepel Victoria Copper Vintage Cream Balcony Bra 113700 34F UK/90G FR

Description du produit

Lepel Victoria balcony bra features molded, underwired bra cups of soft, copper satin detailed with dainty pin tucks. Vintage style dark cream lace adds detail along bra cup edges and below the bust. Indulge now; buy with matching briefs.

Détails sur le produit

  • Taille: 34F UK/90G FR
  • Couleur: Copper Vintage Cream
  • Marque: Lepel
  • Modèle: 113700

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